
Mechanical presses – from 3 up to 1000 t.

These presses are used for simple cutting, bending, also for products assembling by pressing and riveting. Maximum thickness for stamped part – up to 15 mm.

Automatic stamping presses lines – from 25 up to 250 t.

  • 25-63 t automatic stamping presses, with pneumatic or mechanical coil feeding systems. Maximum coil’s thickness 3 mm, width up to 120 mm, max coil feeding step 200 mm. Ours improved equipment management systems, give the possibility to produce parts of any length. Die size up to 500 x 700 mm.
  • 40-60 t Bruderer high speed precision stamping presses. Thickness of stamped parts 4 mm, coil’s width up to 250 mm, length up to 200 mm. Tools size 600 x 900 mm.
  • 75 - 90 t stamping lines parts are produced in semi-automatic way. Coil’s thickness 5 mm and width 500 mm. Maximum product’s length up to 2 m. Tools size up to 700 x 1000 mm.
  • Automatic stamping lines with pneumatic or mechanical coil feeding systems are linked together with “C” form eccentric 160-250 t presses. Parts length up to 500 mm, 5 mm thickness, coil’s width 500 mm. Die size 670 x 900 mm.
  • New automatic stamping line 300 t. power, H-shaped high-stiffness, two-crank press, capable of stamping strips from 1 to 8 mm thick and 1000 mm wide. Maximum dimensions of stamps 1300 x 2000 mm, height up to 600 mm, maximum weight of the upper part of the stamp 2500 kg.

CNC bending press Adira – capacity 160 t, length 3 m.